Case Study
As a part of several field interviews, one particular case needs to be highlighted since it offered a strong inspiration for the design direction that was chosen later on in the process. This case concerns a lady suffering from vascular dementia, a bad back (severe scoliosis) and impaired mobility.
She lives with her husband who cares for her all day and night. Although she enjoys answering the questions on her Pickwick tea and watching TV for distraction, she mostly sits in her chair all day which was a theme in more cases. She is, however, unable to remain in a healthy and comfortable upright position, when she falls asleep her upper body falls forward and her head hangs limply to the right. Her husband already bought a different chair, but since the lady keeps losing weight and does not change her seating posture, he has modified the chair with a large number of pillows. The husband cares so much for his wife but has not a moment of rest in the day, continuously needing to check if his wife is still alright in her chair.
This specific case makes all findings resulting from the different types of research altogether more personal which is why it was highlighted here.